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Remo Proietti

Head of DELTA Lab
Senior Researcher - Principal Investigator
Research center

At the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), Remo Proietti Zaccaria is head of the DELTA Lab, the Disruptive Energy Lab for Trailblazing Advancements. Furthermore, he serves as co-Director of the Keqiao International Park (KIP), a technology-oriented park located in the city of Shaoxing, China. This double role reflects the profound belief that Science and Technology should be shared among people, no matter the longitude they come from. Indeed, the phylosophy underneath the work done by Remo Proietti Zaccaria is about "building bridges", "joining people", "sharing knowledge". For his work, he has been recognized as recipient of the 1000 Talents program from the Chinese government.

Before joining IIT, he had spent some years in Asia, specifically almost five years at Osaka University (Japan) as JSPS fellow/university staff, followed by two years at Jilin University (China) with the title of Associate Professor. Furthermore, in 2016, he was appointed as Full Professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, where he maintained his position until 2021. His work mainly aims in modeling (i.e., digital twin) and experimentally validate complex systems at the micro/nano-scale with strong emphasis on the final device. In particular, his research themes embrace different topics (i.e. interdisciplinary) such as photonics, heat generation and diffusion, electric charge/mass diffusion and mechanical-deformation towards the development of innovative devices for energy manipulation (harvesting and storage) at the micro-scale. In this regard, one of the main applications is the development of energy autonomous devices for body implantable sensing.

Remo Proietti Zaccaria has also promoted the starting of Space-oriented activities at IIT where he now serves as General Coordinator of the IIT-European Space Agency Initiative and he is in charge of the IIT-Italian Space Agency initiative. These roles indeed reflect the actual commitment of IIT in expanding towards the Space sector, by addressing Space-related issues through the spatialization of in-house technology, a commitment that has led to the establishment of SPACEiit.